
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

It's all sinking in....

It's all sinking in....
Dated truly on July 31, 2013
Well, after spending an evening on an iPad, I realize the new trend in the classroom. No longer will I get excited about school supplies, pink file folders and new magnets for the white board; now I will get excited about free apps, new collaboration online tools , Google everything and still COLLEGE FOOTBALL!  I decided to go down this path because as an educator, I became frustrated. I attended in services and workshops on technology and totally got fired up and ready to go! I was very excited about it. When I got back to the classroom, I'd sit down, look at my calendar during my planning period, and then the excitement turned into disgruntlement . I saw quiz days, test reviews, pep rally schedules ... In other words I got bogged down with the tasks of being a teacher that I never had a chance to dive into a way cool tech tool and really sink my teeth into it so that I could bring it into the classroom. Don't get me wrong - it did the SMART boards, TI Navigators, Edmodo and others, but I was wanting something that was interactive, available 24/7 as a learning tool and honestly - I wanted to get a WOW factor from the kids (let's face it - high schoolers are NOT that easy to impress... you know it!)
Being an Instructional Technology Classroom Designer will allow me to support teachers, bring ideas to the table, do the research and leg-work so that the teachers can implement a little easier. I've always wanted to help out as much as I can. Bring it on! I'm so ready for school to start!! I'm a nerd, I know.