
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Who is that strange lady creeping outside my classroom door? Security!!

     Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job. There are so many neat instructional technology opportunities for the classroom, it would be impossible to list my favorites! I wish I would have known some when I was still in the classroom. I still get to do some teaching, on a different level since I work mainly with teachers by showcasing and training on the latest trends. But, I don't get to rationalize a denominator.... I also don't get to write the equation of a hyperbola given, the vertex, foci, and asymptotes.

     So, lately I find myself walking down the math halls at campuses. I slow down as I pass their doors and get a glimpse of what they are teaching, just to get a little fix. On my way to the car after work, I hear discussions in after school tutorials and I must focus on walking to the door instead of popping in and reteaching the questions asked. Sometimes when I get home, I will graph rational functions, just for fun. I even asked the district for a calculator! Just in case I needed to do a demo...

      The other day in a school parking lot, I found a worksheet over Linear Programming. My heart ached a little... I wanted to keep it and work it out when I got home that night, but I wasn't alone. I didn't want to come out and be that nerd, not just yet... By the way - did you know that Linear Programming is the most applicable concept in Algebra 2? No really - it is. I'd love to show you sometime...oh man, I digress!

I'm good though, no like for real. I've already planned my Christmas vacation, it's going to be a freaking BLAST! It will be a nice distraction from Algebra 2 withdrawals. Wait for it - the idea is going to blow your mind.... I AM going to learn Pre Calculus! Yes, yes I know - I can hardly wait too! Think about it. It's cold outside and it gets dark at like 2:30 pm. While the little birds and rabbits are shivering watching the Christmas lights come on around the neighborhood, I'll be all curled up with my Pre Cal with Limits textbook, a fresh college ruled spiral, and a brand new 0.9 Bic mechanical pencil. Jealous yet?

I've decided to become a part time tutor so that I can do math problems. Of course helping out kids isn't so bad either. Plus - I will see what's going on in another school district since my neighborhood is zoned to a different one than the one I work for.

Doing math problems is fun, teaching math problems is funner, not worrying about grammar because of being a math teacher is funnest!

If you catch my humor, like Nacho Libre humor, then you get it. No - I haven't stalked your classroom, not yet, well maybe. But I do love math! And if you are teacher that love's your content, consider yourself lucky! there aren't that many of us around anymore. Yay for TEACHERS! Yay for PASSION! Yay for LOGARITHMS  (oops... my bad) Now go have fun and quit counting down to Thanksgiving Break :)